Friday, October 05, 2007

Helping the Children....think again!

And while the president’s approval ratings are low, the sitting congress, who ostensibly rode the promise of change to power just a year ago - has seen its approval rating plunge to historic lows, roughly half that of the president’s (and in some polls one-third as popular). The congressional democrat’s agenda promising ‘change’ as fallen flat on its face, with a thud and their approval rating is not on a slope but clearly in the ditch.

Instead of the change promised, the democrat congress has intensified its viperous partisanship and, frankly, they are more of a ‘do-nothing congress’ than the congress they replaced. They have totally misread their self-proclaimed ‘mandate for change’ and even attempted to reinterpret what they campaigned about. This is problematic for the congressional leadership because the change they campaigned on and promised was the restoration of fiscal responsibility and greater accountability. What we have been handed is devolution into explosive spending, earmarks, greater unaccountability, pending tax increases, and a continuation of corruption (only the players have changed).

With respect to their campaign promise and how they are now trying to change the subject and skirt the issues, they have taken to parading children out as props (the new barricades) to ‘win’ sympathy for their expansion of government. Instead of telling the American people the truth – that they are expanding government across the board - they have engaged children as front line troops in their assault on the free market, the American taxpayer, and in the end, children. They have chosen to hide behind children, instead of telling us the truth of their actions. Democrats with republican complicity form what might best be described as the true party of Washington – the Bipartisan Party of Government. In a concerted campaign, the BPG coalition is selling us on the idea that they are only seeking an increase in this or that program ‘for the sake of the children."

But consider for a moment the number of times, number of programs, and the expansion of regulations that the esteemed members of the BPG coalition are seeking. Incremental increases ‘in this or that program,’ after a while begin to add up, and across all governmental programs, it means aggregate spending and interventionism (regulations) explodes. At best, their argument is counterfeit and at its worse, it is downright mendacious. They are not honest enough men or women to just speak the truth. They are trotting out children not to win arguments, but to win the sympathy from the public as a means to expand the role of government. This is deceit at the highest levels of government. We must deduce from this behavior that the overwhelming desire of the BPG coalition is to continue an ad infinitum quest for incremental socialism. This Fabianism is not designed to do what is best for the American people (taxpayer) or the children - it is designed to appease their constituents through different forms of boutique socialism. What they are doing is stealing from the future, from the children.

If they are really doing it for the children, consider the legacy they are creating ‘for the sake of the children.’ The battle over the SCHIP program (State Children’s Health Insurance Program) provides us with a glaring example of what the BPG coalition is doing in the name of the children. And let us be perfectly clear from the offset, children who live in poverty, real poverty, should have access to some form of health care. However, when the BPG coalition expands the poverty baseline by two-and-three hundred percent of the base, this is egregious fraud carried out on a grand scale not by private insurance companies but by elected officials claiming to represent the American people. This expansion brings in families making as much as $84,000 per annum. But it does not stop there - the expansion goes beyond children to include adults. And with a straight face, the BPG coalition members propagandize from behind the rampart the need for expansion as a way to help the children.

What is sad is the reality that this is only one of the programs across government they are using this rationale and fraudulent rhetoric to expand government. SCHIP is only symptomatic of the pathology of the larger problem the BPG coalition is perpetrating on the nation. Just as troubling is the inability of the republicans and conservatives to mount a counter argument exposing this fraud being carried out not on the merit of the arguments or in a honest debate, but through the exploitation of our children.

How can they argue they are helping the children when they are in effect killing their futures? The SCHIP program is nothing more than a surreptitious attempt at imposing socialized medicine beyond the poor into the middle class creating further dependence. Who is going to pay for the expansion in spending and intervention to finance socialized medicine, socialized retirement, socialized environmentalism, socialized education, socialized daycare, and socialist economic policies in general?

Who in the future is going to pay the bill when these programs are expanded? The answer is very simple - it is our selves, our children, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren. Thirty years down the road they will be paying 60-plus percent tax rates. Are members of the esteemed BPG coalition going to stand up on the floor of the congress or in a press conference and tell the people that their children will be facing these rates? I ask the reader, is this helping our children? No, it will work to enslave them to the state.

Who in the future is going to have to deal with and finance this expansion in the national debt to pay for these programs? Again, it is our selves, our children, our grandchildren and our great grandchildren who are going to pay with (a) an increased tax burden, (b) hat in hand asking foreign governments to finance it through the capital markets, and/or (c) the printing press (inflation). Is this helping the children? No, it is killing their futures.

The BPG coalition’s actions and our continued expiation (appeasement) are leading directly to a socialist future and the long run consequences will be devastating for the nation – the children. Here are a series of questions for the BPG coalition and their constituents.

How will our children feel about us kicking the can down the road by simply transferring the burden of these programs onto them and their children?

What legacy are we leaving our children when we are passing on a worse rather than better medical system?

What kind of legacy are we leaving our children when we leave them to deal with the coming bankruptcy of the social security system?

What kind of business environment will we be passing on when the BPG coalition smother it with a growing taxation; burden it with ‘global-warming’ regulations; crowd capital out of the market with increased government borrowing (higher interest rates); experience a further deterioration of the education system into the world of secularism, political correctness, and multiculturalism; take over the care of the children at the age of four, and implement tax increases, expand spending, and start printing money wholesale to ‘finance’ the expansion of government.

The democrat leadership and their BPG allies congress know all of this. How do we know that? Because every time they want another incremental step toward socialism, they do not engage in an honest and open debate; instead they mobilize our children to provide ground cover, cannon fodder for their newest scheme. They exploit unwitting children as the voice of socialism, it is shameless and cowardice in the face of fire. Rather than take the hits and open themselves up, they hoodwink children (and their parents) into parroting socialist policies that will strap them with prohibitive tax rates and the growing specter of socialism marching into their future.

As the parents and grandparents of these children, are we going to expiate this travesty, this dishonesty, and these lies? Is this what we want for our children and grandchildren? Do the democrats and the BPG coalition really want to defend this as helping the children, when in reality it will kill their future?

No – they would rather lie and skirt the issues than tell the American people the truth about the long run consequences of their actions to impose socialism on the future.

They prefer to make political points and political expediency than solving the nation's problems in a forthright manner.