Friday, April 28, 2006

Revolt Conservatives

It is becoming more and more apparent everyday that we have two basic parties in America.

We have the Conservative Party and the Democrat-Republican Party.

Republicans are ruining the Republican Party and I'm fed up. In Texas. where we have worked mightily for years to build a two party state and take control of both houses of the legislatue, now find that our elected representatives voting for a business income tax increasing the costs to all consumers and counter productive to economic growth.

I believe the Republican State Convention in June should revolt against Republican Politicians.

I believe a resolution should be introduced calling for the Party to nominate another person to represent the party in November. Rick Perry and his cornies (RINOs) should be called on the mate for this tax increase on all consumers. This in nothing short of a business income tax placed on business, which will be paid by consumers. It is a shell game. My representative's spokeperson tried to rationalize the vote, but no more for me.

I am a life long Republican - I started and stood with Barry Goldwater in 1964 and I have supported Republicans all my life, but I have reached my limit. All of them from the national level on down are passing on future taxes to me and my children for their ineptness at governing. I am afraid Republicans - liberal democrats parading as Republicans (Perry) are ruining my party!

I will be supporting a revolt.

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and ideas are those of the Southern Agrarian and do not represent those of any other organization. I usually think about this stuff when I am working out,praying (yes infidel - God speaks to me like he will to you, if only you will let him in your heart), or suffering from a lack of sleep. ...torture me, kill me but just don’t bore me with your left-wing tripe. Semper Fidelis.