Friday, April 28, 2006

The New Xenophobes

The new xenophobes out there - namely those who want to stage 'ethnic protest' and wave the Mexican flag in favor of open borders, amnesty, and the balkanization of America.

For your information (since you lack any grounding in history or integrity), we are first a nation of laws and second we are a nation who has embraced the melting pot, not the balkanization of America.

Try this, apply for immigration and if you truly want to make a difference in your communist inspired May Day protest - protest the socialist, psuedo Marxist, Mexican government that you fled because they have created this probelm!

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and ideas are those of the Southern Agrarian and do not represent those of any other organization. I usually think about this stuff when I am working out,praying (yes infidel - God speaks to me like he will to you, if only you will let him in your heart), or suffering from a lack of sleep. ...torture me, kill me but just don’t bore me with your left-wing tripe. Semper Fidelis.