Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Strategic Strike in waiting, thanks to the Den of Fools

Our ‘esteemed’ congress is now calling for investigations to blame everyone for the problem but themselves. And how much are these hearings going to cost the American people in terms of money and time?

What are they going to result in? In reality, we all ready know, more demagoguery and reactionary policies detrimental to the nation and the economy.

Consider if they are successful, that is, if a windfall profits tax is enacted.

It will result in four things for sure –

1. even higher prices,
2. growing dependency on foreign sources of oil,
3. a crippled domestic oil industry and
4. an infinite array of strategic options for Iran/Al-Qaeda.

I can only think of what Osama bin Laden and his den of thieves are thinking –

How can we further disrupt the Middle East oil supply?

How can we close the Persian Gulf?

A nuclear bomb devasting the Saudi Oil Fields?

Their options are infinite thanks to the braindead politicians we have in congress.

Osama bin Laden and his Iranisn allies with one strategic strike in the Middle East can devastate the American economy.

They will no longer need to strike America to bring us to our knees, they can devastate the economy with one bomb in the right location.

The congress of the United States has exposed itself to be little more than a den of fools, economic illiterates and political neophytes, if not criminals.

Like old Marxist socialists, they seek to make villains of the productive, equating profit with fraud and criminal behavior, while providing our enemies with the means to destroy us.

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and ideas are those of the Southern Agrarian and do not represent those of any other organization. I usually think about this stuff when I am working out,praying (yes infidel - God speaks to me like he will to you, if only you will let him in your heart), or suffering from a lack of sleep. ...torture me, kill me but just don’t bore me with your left-wing tripe. Semper Fidelis.