Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mobilization for 2006

"The hero can never be a relativist." Richard M. Weaver

Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard has an interesting article citing the factors that must be emphasized by Karl Rove and Republicans in order to motivate a now sleeping giant - the Republican Base - to turn out and vote in 2006.

The great fear is, the sleeping giant is disenchanted at this time (Bush/political fatigue) and will simply sit this election out and we could possibly lose control of the House and Senate. A defeat would present the Democrats with the power to reassert their maniacal obsession to drive this nation over the cliff into the valley of socialism and assuredly embroil the nation in an impeachment fight over the next two years.

Barnes cites the following factors: (1.) pass a budget that includes spending restraints, (2.) emphasize the 'culture of life' issues; and (3.) make the Bush tax cuts permanent. While these are central to our grassroots desires, they will not motivate the base and they are more reflective of Barnes' own desires and inside the beltway personality rather than the views of grassroots Republicans.

The base will be motivated by the following:

A real fight over Tax cuts/real tax reform;

A real fight to approve 32 district court judges now sitting in limbo and backlogged because the Democrats are effectively vetoing them;

Reasserting the Reagan argument that the real problem in America is government and the solution is the innovation of the American People. Bush should campaign against the Washington establishment calling on American's to: (a.) conserve on energy (pursue alternatives) to help the war effort, (b.) hold their congressmen/women responsible for spending restraints (the Mike Pence approach), and (c.) point out the culture is under a brutal attack by activist judges, liberal politicians, and the Hollywood left;

Push for real immigration law enforcement - oppose all the bills in Congress and set out to enforce the laws on the books including the deployment of national guard units to bridge the period between now and when we have hired enough border patrolmen/women to do the job that needs to be done. The congress is not going to take meaningful action, so ignore them and campaign against them as the do-noting congress (you’ll see the Republicans fall in line real quick);

Strike Syria and Iran through the air, and work to fund opposition forces in those countries - every time there is a suicide bombing/I.E.D explosion in Iraq, a military/terrorist facility in Syria and/or Iran will disappear; and

Campaign on opening up oil exploration offshore and in Alaska - campaigning against environmentalists and democrats. On this one Bush should point out that it is the democrats holding up exploration, building of refineries, and nuclear power plants. Demonstrate through sound economic analysis that the price of oil will fall, e.g., an additional 1 billion barrels of oil from the northern slope would reduce the price of oil by $15 to $20 a barrel in today's market.

Its your voice, raise it in the name of liberty and our culture!

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and ideas are those of the Southern Agrarian and do not represent those of any organization. I usually think about this stuff when I am working out, praying (yes infidel - God speaks to me like he will to you, if only you will let him in your heart), or suffering from a lack of sleep. ... torture me, kill me but just don’t bore me with your left-wing tripe. Semper Fidelis.