Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Democrats - The Party of Segregation, still!

Blacks & Texas Politics

Did you know?

Currently, Texas is the only state to have 3 blacks serving in statewide office - all are Republicans: Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, Supreme Court Justice Dale Wainwright, and Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams.

Since Republicans became the statewide majority in 1994, 8 minority Texans have held statewide office; yet in the 122 years Democrats controlled the State (1872-1994), only 4 minority Texans held statewide office.

The Texas Republican Party was formed on July 4, 1867, in Houston by 150 black and 20 white Texans.

2 of the first 3 statewide leaders of the Republican Party of Texas were black.

The first 42 blacks elected to the Texas Legislature were Republicans.

When Republicans gained the Texas Legislature in 1869, they established a sysytem of free public schools to educate all the children of the State – something Democrats had refused to do.

The first faith-based program was proposed in the 1870s by black Republican Senator Matthew Gaines.

When Democrats recaptured Texas government in 1872, Democrat Governor Richard Coke's election was described as "the restoration of white supremacy."

President George W. Bush was the first president to appoint a black as Secretary of State (Colin-Powell). He also appointed blacks as National Security Advisor (Condoleeza Rice), Secretary
of Education (Rod Paige), and Secretary of Housing and UrbanDevelopment (Alphonso Jackson).

With new programs established by President Bush, black home ownership is at an all-time high.
Of the 4 blacks who have ever been U.S. Senators, 3 were Republicans.

The 13th Amendment abolishing slavery passed Congress with the support of 100% of Republican members but with only 23% of the Democrat members.

When the 14th and 15thAmendments extending civil rights and voting rights to blacks passed, not even one (1) Democrat in Congress voted for those amendments.

Equal opportunity is a right and privilege. Texans should be able to start a business, run for office or chase a dream without the threat that government will punish success. Black Republicans are successful leaders in their communities and in Texas politics. The Republican Party of Texas is the political party that can best help all citizens achieve their
hopes and means.

To learn more, visit

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and ideas are my own and do not represent those of any other organization. As a Southerner, I detest segregationist Democrats - they are still segregationist - intellectual and cultural segregationists - seeking separate but NOT equal accommodations for the General Colin Powells, Condeleeza Rices, Justice Thomases, and Lt. Governor Michael Steeles of America. They seek to segregate conservatives from the world. The modern Democrat Party continues its fascist/communist (klansman) tradition as they apply the segregationist model to discriminate against those they deem inferior to their views and standing - that is segregation folks and as Southerners - we can no longer tolerate the consequences of the reactionary Democrat Party and its policies ... hey torture me, kill me but just don’t bore me with your leftist tripe... Semper Fidelis.